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A Beautiful Mind

Biopic of the famed mathematician John Nash and his lifelong struggles with his mental health. Nash enrolled as a graduate student at Princeton in 1948 and almost immediately stood out as an odd duck. He devoted himself to finding something unique, a mathematical theorem that would be completely original. He kept to himself for the most part and while he went out for drinks with other students, he spends a lot of time with his roommate, Charles, who eventually becomes his best friend. John is soon a professor at MIT where he meets and eventually married a graduate student, Alicia. Over time however John begins to lose his grip on reality, eventually being institutionalized diagnosed with schizophrenia. As the depths of his imaginary world are revealed, Nash withdraws from society and it's not until the 1970s that he makes his first foray back into the world of academics, gradually returning to research and teaching. In 1994, John Nash was awarded the Nobel prize in Economics. Written by garykmcd

A biopic of the meteoric rise of John Forbes Nash Jr., a math prodigy able to solve problems that baffled the greatest of minds. And how he overcame years of suffering through schizophrenia to win the Nobel Prize. Written by Anonymous

From the heights of notoriety tothe depths of depravity, John Forbes Nash, Jr. experienced it all. A mathematical genius, he made an astonishing discovery early in his career and stood on the brink of international acclaim. But the handsome and arrogant Nash soon found himself on a painful and harrowing journey of self-discovery. After many years of struggle, he eventually triumphed over his tragedy, and finally - late in life - received the Nobel Prize. Written by Universal Pictures and DreamWorks Pictures

At Princeton University, John Nash struggles to make a worthwhile contribution to serve as his legacy to the world of mathematics. He finally makes a revolutionary breakthrough that will eventually earn him the Nobel Prize. After graduate school he turns to teaching, becoming romantically involved with his student Alicia. Meanwhile the government asks his help with breaking Soviet codes, which soon gets him involved in a terrifying conspiracy plot. Nash grows more and more paranoid until a discovery that turns his entire world upside down. Now it is only with Alicia's help that he will be able to recover his mental strength and regain his status as the great mathematician we know him as today. Written by rmlohner

John Nash goes through a myriad of highs and lows from his time as a Mathematics student ingraduate school at Princeton in the late 1940's to his Nobel Prize win for Economics in 1994. A brilliant but somewhat arrogant and antisocial man, Nash preferred to spend his time with his thoughts, which were primarily of seeing mathematical formula associated with everyday occurrences, than with people. Two people he did make a connection with were Charles, his roommate at Princeton, and Alicia Larde, one of his students when he was teaching at M.I.T. in the early 1950's. He and Alicia eventually marry. As time goes on, Nash lives more and more within himself which causes major problems in his life. But Alicia stands by her husband to his redemption to the Nobel Prize win. Nash learns that his graduate school colleagues, with whom he had a cordial but somewhat distant relationship, are closer friends than he imagined, although in his later life he really does miss Charles' company more than anything despite knowing that spending time with Charles is not in his or anyone's best interest.

Written by Huggo

Casa de ecala
Fue la propiedad de Tomas López de Ecala y Baquedano, un regidor de Querétaro que cambia la fachada de su vivienda cada cierto tiempo, pero lo negativo del asunto es que aprovechaba las 'remodelaciones' para apropiarse de un pedazo de los terrenos aledaños, hasta que un día uno de sus vecinos lo enjuició. 
Ademas de la sentencia del juez, los contendores se habían comprometido a que el perdedor debía de cerrar su balcón principal, la maxima ofensa en aquellos tiempos. 

Casa de la marqueza
Su fachada barroca con delicados y exquisitos trabajos en cantera labrada, su decoración mudéjar interior y la soberbia arquería de sus patios, la convierten en una magnífica muestra de la arquitectura colonial de Querétaro. Fue construida en 1756 por encargo de Antonio de Alday.
La vivienda de dos niveles fue habitada por la marquesa de la Villa del Villar del Aguila, por lo que fue bautizada como la Casa de la Marquesa. 
Se encuentra en la calle Madero 41. Actualmente es un lujoso hotel. 
¿Dónde se ubica la casona?
En La esquina de las calles de Madero y Allende, contra esquina de la Fuente Neptuno.
¿En que siglo yaño se edifico?
 En el siglo XVII, se concluyó en 1756. 
¿Cuantos elementos tiene y como se llaman?
Sus enrejados, los detalles moriscos, su estancia y capilla, siendo todo de una delicada y original belleza. La casa se ha restaurado varias veces cuidadosamente, descubriendo las pinturas originales decorativas de sus muros.

Casa de don Bartolo
Es una de las mayores expresiones de la arquitectura civil de Querétaro.
Presenta una hermosa fachada de líneas eclécticas que combinan rasgos de los siglos XVII y XVIII.
Se le conoce como la 'Casa de los Espantos' porque, según los relatos populares, su antiguo dueño, Bartolo Sardanetta y Legaspi, conde de Rayas, habría asesinado a su hermana
¿Dónde se ubica la casona?
Calle de Pasteur, muy cerca de la Plaza de Armas 
¿Cual es el nombre de las dos épocas en las que se construyo?
Siglos XVII y XVIII 
¿Por quien es utilizada actualmente?

Por el estado

casa del faldón
La Casa del Faldón esta en la calle Primavera cerca a la avenida principal Corregidora y al centro historico.
No hay acceso de coches para la calle Primavera desde Corregidora, pero hay un lugar de estacionamiento justamente antes de Primavera. Si prefieres no pagar por estacionar, se puede dar vuelta a la derecha en la avenida Universidad en una de las cuadras antes de Corregidora. Cuando llegas alpunto donde solo hay acceso a peatones en Primavera veras una fuente y arboles y estaras en frente de La Casa del Faldón.
Para llegar en camión desde el central de autobuses, la ruta mas directa es la ruta H. Después de subir hasta el templo de la cruz, baja hacia Universidad pasando eventualmente en Altamirano y doblando en 15 de mayo hacia el mercado de la cruz que se encuentra a un lado de Gutierez Najera.
¿En que año fue fundada?
Septiembre de 1988
¿En que año fue fundado el museo?

¿Qué te ofrece la casona?
Una amplia gama de actividades artístico culturales, que a través de talleres de diversas disciplinas, cubren la demanda de la población en estos rubros.

Casa del diezmo
 Se construyó aproximadamente a principios de 1700.
Fue residencia de don Melchor Noriega Cobielles, después se utilizo como oficinas recaudadoras del Diezmo, de ahí el nombre del<

Plot Synopsis

John Nash arrives at Princeton University as a new graduate student. He is a recipient of the prestigious Carnegie Prize for mathematics See more (warning! contains spoilers) »

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