Consultar ensayos de calidad

Estructura del trabajo de emprendimiento grupal

Fundamentos de la Gerencia - AD144

Semestre 2010-2


Protocolo de Presentación Trabajo Escrito:

- En formato Word, letra Arial 11, espacio y medio
- Caratula (logo UPC, nombre del curso, sección, título del proyecto, códigos, apellidos y nombres completos de los integrantes en orden alfabético, nombre del profesor, ciudad y fecha)
- Límite de hojas: 30
- Anillado

Contenido del documento:

1. Presentación del Equipo y de la Idea de Negocio
1.1 Presentación del equipo de trabajo (explicación del nombre, logo, integrantes)
1.2 Presentación de la lluvia de ideas (incluyendo aquellas realizadas en el taller)
1.3 Presentación de resultados de aplicación de Filtro de Ideas
1.4 Aplicación del método SCAMPER a la idea elegida
1.5 Descripción del producto (físicamente) o servicio

1.6 ¿Qué necesidades van a satisfacer?
1.7 ¿Qué público lo va a comprar?

2. El Entorno
2.1 Describe el entorno específico que el negocio enfrentaría.

2.2 Describe el entorno general que el negocio enfrentaría.

3. Planeación
3.1 ¿Con qué y cuantos recursos se va a iniciar el negocio? – Incluye todos los que apliquen.
3.2 Enumera y describe las principales decisiones que debes tomar en el inicio de tu negocio y en los seis primero meses de operaciones. Explica como tomarías esas decisiones y explica por qué.
3.3 Establece la visión y misión delnegocio, objetivos y metas para el primer semestre de operaciones.
3.4 Realiza un Analisis Interno y Externo y formula las estrategias que emprenderían durante el primer semestre de operación. Prepara una matriz FODA ¿Qué tipos de estrategias son?
3.5 Preparar una matriz de incertidumbre. Luego decidir en qué cuadrante colocaría su negocio y explicar por qué.

4. Costos y Ventas
4.1 Estimación de las ventas estimadas en soles y unidades (para los primeros 6 meses, por mes
4.2 Costos de producir el bien o servicio
4.3 Utilidad esperada (Ingresos - Costos y Gastos)
4.4 ¿Qué haran con las utilidades?

5. Conclusiones
5.1 Mención de los obstaculos / barreras que experimentaron al trabajar en equipo

5. Technology
Software can enable improvements to the four areas listed above. However, acquiring CRM technology is the easiest of the five, which is why companies make the often-irrevocable mistake of starting there. Only after a company has defined its CRM objectives, documented requirements, and managed the expectations of its stakeholders should it begin talking to software vendors.

COMPANIES ARE DISCUSSING CRM OR DOING Why is there still so much buzz about CRM?

With all the inherent complexities of the five components described above— and with the failure statistics rampant in magazines and industry journals— why are companies continuing to jump onto the CRM bandwagon? In a word: Profitability.
Author Frederick Reichheld described it in his book The Loyalty Effect, and in the Harvard Business Review, explaining that a mere 5% increase in customer loyalty can result in up to 125% percent increase in profits. Executives read thisand rushed to their CRM vendors, hoping to ride the wave of increased customer loyalty.

And many have succeeded. After all, happier customers come back. They tell their friends. They are less expensive to serve and support. And they’re more willing to share their personal information. The list goes on and on. Companies that provide value to their customers reap the reward: Profitable customers.
Moreover, your major competitor has probably made significant progress on its own CRM journey. Loyalty cards, customer dashboards, and refined target marketing have become staples across different industries. Companies that are falling behind with these customer focused programs may be reducing their bottom lines—and watching their customers head for the door.

The hard part of CRM is knowing where to begin. This is because companies don’t know how to go about defining and prioritizing their CRM requirements. Managers should ask the question

“What is the need, pain, or problem we need to solve with CRM?”

Often, the answer to this question applies to more than one organization or job function. As the figure below illustrates, different types of CRM usually deliver value to more than one department. They may even span the enterprise
Defining the “need, pain, or problem” means listing different customer focused pain points that need improvement. Examples include
• Our customersatisfaction scores are sliding, and customers are churning. We need to stem the tide.
• Having a loyalty card would let us track our customers’ purchases—and be able to offer them discounts on products they’re likely to buy. It’s a win-win.
• We’d like to understand which of our sales partners (be they web sites, retail stores, dealerships, hospitals, or other resellers) are excelling, and to track which products individual partners sell most often.
• We’d like to start making R&D decisions based on facts, not intuition. This means we need to start gathering information about customer preferences.
• Our call center is the only time most of our customers speak to a human being— we need to capitalize on this and make sure we communicate the optimal message at the time of contact.
• We know we have many different categories of customers. But we don’t know what they are, so we can’t improve our messages.
• We aren’t really doing any marketing—but our chief competitor sure is! We need to target the right message to the right audience, and monitor response rates

Indeed, none of these business requirements is exclusive. Companies frequently consider CRM to be a “portfolio” of customer-focused capabilities, and prepare a delivery roadmap that spans multiple projects. As long as a company and its customers evolve, there will always be new opportunities for launching new CRM projects, and refiningexisting CRM initiatives. Consider CRM part of your corporate DNA.

Notice that with each of the business requirements listed above there’s something in it for the customer, be it a more relevant marketing message or discounts on products they actually buy. It not only improves the customer’s overall experience, it makes it easier for the customer to do business with your fi rm. (Think of’s “One Click” service or Land’s End’s “Shop with a Friend.”)
And CRM isn’t only about sales, and marketing, it’s about stellar customer service. It means never having to say you’re sorry—or if you do, 5.2 Relato de las experiencias y lo que han aprendido (cada integrante debe elaborar su propio ensayo al respecto, extensión no mayor a una pagina)

Presentación del PPT:

- No mas de 10 diapositivas
- Uso de imagenes pertinentes
- Laminas legibles
- Información relevante y pertinente


- Presentación con vestimenta formal
- Tres integrantes, uno escogido por el profesor en el día de la exposición
- Tiempo de exposición: 12 minutos por grupo (maximo)
- Rueda de preguntas por parte del profesor y el auditorio.


- Nota grupal (trabajo escrito
- Nota de exposición individual (se suman y se dividen entre 2)
- Criterios: Según rúbrica de evaluación

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